Since 2009, I use a FreePlane mind map to keep track of all my daily tasks, long term projects, ideas and a private knowledge base. This mind map has grown to about 500’000 nodes (individual thoughts, tasks, snippets of information) within 15 years. To open my mind map also on my Android phone, I have developed DroidPlane, a mind map viewer for Android.
To minimize the memory usage of my application, DroidPlane does not display the whole mind map at once. Instead, the application starts with only the root node of the mind map. From the root node, the user can “dig” into deeper levels of the mind map. Whenever the user opens up such sub-level in the mind map, the nodes are loaded and displayed. This way, DroidPlane does not need to layout the complete mind map, but only the currently displayed nodes.
Version History
New in Version 1.0.19
- Bugfix for richcontent nodes on top-level nodes. Thank you @basilegraf!
New in Version 1.0.18
- Added Search functionality. Thank you @Tibi for your contribution!
New in Version 1.0.17
- Upgrade to Android Version 33
New in Version 1.0.16
- Fix opening notes with a # character
- Fix crash at launchc
Version 1.0.13, 1.0.14 and 1.0.15 were skipped.
New in Version 1.0.12
- Fix opening *.mm files from Dropbox
New in Version 1.0.11
- Follow links within the Mindmap (local hyperlinks, and arrow links)
- Menu to open Mindmap files from the disk
- Show Rich Text nodes and Notes in a separate view
- Support cloned nodes
- Smaller Bugfixes
Version 1.0.10 was skipped.
New in Version 1.0.9
- Fix Viewing the file from Dropbox
New in Version 1.0.8
- Show content of rich text nodes
- Display text formatting of plain text nodes
- Added feature to open relative and absolute file links
- Show loading animation when opening large mindmap files
- Small Bugfixes
New in Version 1.0.7
- Bugfix for Android 4.4 to open files from Dropbox (requires read access to external storage)
New in Version 1.0.6
- context menu: long-click a node to get the context menu
- the context menu allows you to copy a node, and open external links (if the node has a link)
New in Version 1.0.5
- fixed the background color of selected nodes for Pre-IceCream Sandwich
New in Version 1.0.3 and 1.0.4
- The column borders now snap to the screen border. This makes it easier to flip through the different hierarchies of the mind map.
- Fixed a memory leak on screen rotation.
New in Version 1.0.2
- Horizontally scrollable view allows you to scroll back to parent nodes.
- Preserving the view even when rotating the device. In landscape mode, 3 columns are displayed, in portrait mode one column is shown.
New in Version 1.0.1
- In landscape, three levels of mind map nodes are shown side by side
- On some devices, DroidPlane was not recognized as default application for “*.mm” files. This is now solved.